=== Top Bar === Contributors: spwebguy Tags: notification, bar, notification bar, top, topbar, top bar, notice, responsive, custom, info bar, message, promotion, promo, special, extra, button, call to action, link Requires at least: 3.6 Tested up to: 4.7 Stable tag: trunk License: GPL2 License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html Simply the easiest way to add a topbar to your website. Create a notification bar in no-time and show a message and a button to your visitors. == Description == Simply the easiest way to add a topbar to your website. This plugin adds a simple and clean notification bar at the top of your website, allowing you to display a nice message to your visitors as well as a custom link. What you see is what you get, and it’s totally free. = No limitation for the Free version = The Free version of the Top Bar plugin is **not limited**. The [PRO version](http://wpdarko.com/items/top-bar-pro/) gives you access to a lot of new features: allow users to **close the top bar**, choose an **initial state**, add a **bottom border**, set a **time before the top bar appears**, make it visible **only for guests or registered users**, change the **font-size** and choose among many, many **new colors**. = Fully translatable = * POT files included (/lang/) * French translation included * Spanish translation included = Available fields/options = * Status (active or inactive) * Stay visible when scrolling * Message (obviously) * Button text * Button URL * Color = Usage = Go to [the plugin's documentation](https://wpdarko.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/206303727-Get-started-with-the-Top-Bar-plugin) if you need more information on how to use this plugin. = Support = Find help in [our forums](http://wpdarko.com/support/) for this plugin (we’ll answer you fast, promise). == Installation == = Installation = 1. In your WordPress admin panel, go to Plugins > New Plugin 2. Find our Top Bar plugin by WP Darko and click Install now 3. Alternatively, download the plugin and upload the contents of top-bar.zip to your plugins directory, which usually is /wp-content/plugins/ 4. Activate the plugin = Usage = Go to [the plugin's documentation](https://wpdarko.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/206303727-Get-started-with-the-Top-Bar-plugin) for information on how to use it. == Frequently Asked Questions == = No limitation for the Free version = The Free version of the Top Bar plugin is **not limited**. The [PRO version](http://wpdarko.com/items/top-bar-pro/) gives you access to a lot of new features: allow users to **close the top bar**, choose an **initial state**, add a **bottom border**, set a **time before the top bar appears**, make it visible **only for guests or registered users**, change the **font-size** and choose among many, many **new colors**. = Fully translatable = * POT files included (/lang/) * French translation included * Spanish translation included = Usage = Go to [the plugin's documentation](https://wpdarko.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/206303727-Get-started-with-the-Top-Bar-plugin) if you need more information on how to use this plugin. = Support = Find help in [our forums](http://wpdarko.com/support/) for this plugin (we’ll answer you fast, promise). == Screenshots == 1. Top bar (front view) 2. Configuring the top bar (admin view) == Changelog == = 1.2 = * Plugin is now translation ready * Added French translation * Added Spanish translation * Minor CSS fixes = 1.1 = * Cleaning code * Minor bug fixes = 1.0 = * Initial release