=== Twitter === Contributors: weblizar Donate link: http://www.weblizar.com/ Tags: twitter, twitter follow, show latest tweets, twitter share, twitter share button, tweets, twitter widget, twitter shortcode, twitter sidebar, twitter feed, twitter plugin Requires at least: 3.8 Tested up to: 4.6.1 Stable tag: 1.5.9 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Display Twitter Tweets Using Widget On WordPress Blog With Follow Button == Description == Twitter tweets plugin is a twitter widget plugin display twitter accounts latest tweets on your WordPress blog. Twitter tweets plugin allows you to set your twitter account widget Id & twitter username. You can customize twitter widget by apply custom height, auto expand tweets images, custom link URL color, On / Off tweets reply etc. Using **Twitter Tweets** widget display your least tweets on your WordPress blog site. **Features** * Twitter Tweets Widget * Widget Customization Settings * Widget Title * Widget Theme Option * Set Widget Height * Tweets URL Link Color Option * Show/Hide Tweets Reply * Add Follow Button * Submit Your Tweet live on your website * Re tweet and choose your favourite tweets * Auto Expand Photos in Tweets == Features == * Twitter Tweets Widget * Widget Customization Settings * Widget Title * Widget Theme Option * Set Widget Height * Tweets URL Link Color Option * Show/Hide Tweets Reply * Auto Expand Photos in Tweets = Docs & Support = You can find [docs](http://weblizar.com/twitter-tweets/), [FAQ](http://www.weblizar.com/faq/) and more detailed information about Twitter Tweets on [Weblizar](http://www.weblizar.com). If you were unable to find the answer to your question on the FAQ or in any of the documentation, you should check the [support forum](http://weblizar.com/twitter-tweets/) on WordPress.org. = We Need Your Support = It is really hard to continue development and support for this free plugin without contributions from users like you. If you are enjoying using our Testimonial plugin and find it useful, then please consider [__Making a Donation__](http://www.weblizar.com). Your donation will help us to encourage and support the plugin's continued development and better user support. = Translators = Please contribute to translate our plugin. Contact at `lizarweb (at) gmail (dot) com`. == Installation == 1. Upload the entire `twitter-tweets` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory. 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress. 3. Go to Widgets in Appearance Menu and activate the **Twitter Tweets** widget. == Frequently Asked Questions == Please use WordPress support forum to ask any query regarding any issue. == Screenshots == 1. Twitter Tweets Widget Preview 2. Twitter Tweets Widget Settings 3. Twitter Tweets Widget Preview On Site 4. Twitter Tweets in Page 5. Twitter Tweets in Post == Changelog == For more information, see Weblizar(http://wwww.weblizar.com/). = 1.5.9 - update = 1.5.8 10/10/16 = * plugin version u * plugin version update = 1.5.6 07/09/16 = * API version changed * New setting updated = 1.5.5 16/05/2016 = * small update = 1.5.5 09-01-2015 = * small update = 1.5.3 30-Jan-2016 = * Past data sanitized = 1.5.2 28-Jan-2016 = * Own Jquery removed * Own Twitter ID & Username removed = 1.5.1 27-Jan-2016 = * External link removed = 1.5 30-Dec-2015 = * small update = 1.4 10-Dec-2015 = * Compatible With Wordpress 4.4 version = 1.3 02-Nov-2015 = * Twitter Shortcode added = 1.2 19-Oct-2015 = * Small bug fixed = 1.1 29-Sep-2015 = * Compatible with wordpress 4.3.1 = 1.0 25-Aug-2015 = * Small Updates in code = 0.9 22-Apr-2015 = * New: WordPress 4.2 Compatible = 0.8 = * Added Widget Title = 0.7 = * Compatible With WordPress 4.1 = 0.5 = * Compatible With WordPress 4.0.1 * Small changes in file = 0.4 = * Compatible With WordPress 4.0 = 0.3 = * Remove design issue * Small changes in readme = 0.2 = * resolved css error. = 0.1 = * Widget Customization Settings * Widget Title * Widget Theme Option * Set Widget Height * Tweets URL Link Color Option * Show/Hide Tweets Reply * Auto Expand Photos in Tweets