PrintPixel 1.0.7, 25/04/2015 -------------------------------------------- - Removed the need for mod_rewrite - Ability to print in low-res without ImageMagic - Added ability to download user uploaded images PrintPixel 1.0.6, 05/02/2015 -------------------------------------------- - Added ability to add bulk discounts - Added ability to add additional prices per side - Added ability to additional prices per variant (via yaml) - Added "Ready for pick-up" fulfilment status PrintPixel 1.0.5, 17/01/2015 -------------------------------------------- - Added multiple payment options in checkout - Added new payment option : Bank transfer - Added ability to download design by svg, png, tiff or pdf - Added translation ability (via a .po file) PrintPixel 1.0.4, 08/01/2015 -------------------------------------------- - Added new payment option : PayPal Express Checkout - Added ability to delete an order PrintPixel 1.0.3, 04/01/2015 -------------------------------------------- - Added messages to alert user of missing extensions SQLite3, pdo_sqlite, pdo_mysql, finfo_open - Prefixed the root directory to all includes so XAMPP users don't have include problems PrintPixel 1.0.2, 02/01/2015 -------------------------------------------- - Centers text by default on mobile - Fixed iphone 6 bug for selecting different sides - Fixed bug for editing product orientations PrintPixel 1.0.1, 30/12/2014 -------------------------------------------- - Added compatibility for transparent PNGs - Added settings for sending emails to the bootstrap.php file - Added tooltip for "Proceed to checkout" - Fixed order dispatched status date