=== Virtue === License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html == Features == * Woocommerce * Translation-Ready * Responsive * Google Fonts * Unlimited Colors * Flex Sliders * Retina Ready Graphics * Options Panel == Frequently Asked Questions == = Is there theme documentation? = Yes, go here: http://docs.kadencethemes.com/virtue/ = Is there demo content available? = Yes, go here: https://www.kadencethemes.com/kadence-themes-demo-content/ = Is there a free support form for this theme? = Yes, go here: https://wordpress.org/support/theme/virtue == Changelog == = Theme Name: Virtue = = Version 2.7.6 | 21st July 2016 = * Fix: Empty category Image issue. = Version 2.7.5 | 19th July 2016 = * Update: Woo files. * Fix: Issue with category images. = Version 2.7.4 | 13th July 2016 = * Update: Contact form Map API input. * Update: Google plus icon. * Update: Content Single template. * Update: woo templates. * Fix: woo issue with quantity in cart when updated. = Version 2.7.3 | 16th June 2016 = * Update: woo files = Version 2.7.2 | 9th June 2016 = * Update: Docs link for new docs. * Update: Theme options. * Update: WC 2.5. * Update: RTL beta support. = Version 2.7.1 | 13th May 2016 = * Fix: Embed layout issue. * Fix: Img srcset issue. * Update: imageloaded. = Version 2.7.0 | 4th May 2016 = * Fix: Archive title with polylang. * Update: Small woocommerce changes. = Version 2.6.9 | 27th April 2016 = * Fix: Portfolio single. = Version 2.6.8 | 27th April 2016 = * Update: Cat issue. * Update: Screenshot. * Update: Remove gallery boxshaddow if image border off. * Update: Srcset for product images. * Add: Filter for banner. = Version 2.6.7 | 22nd March 2016 = * Update: Cat issue. * Update: Blog carousel issue. * Update: Admin css. = Version 2.6.6 | 2nd March 2016 = * Update: Language strings. * Update: Responsive images for products. * Update: Theme Options. Add info for customizer. * Fix: Issue with icon select. = Version 2.6.5 | 16th February 2016 = * Update: Portfolio order for title. * Update: Widget issue. = Version 2.6.4 | 4rd February 2016 = * Update: lightbox issue. = Version 2.6.3 | 3rd February 2016 = * Update: Cart css. * Update: Woocommerce file. * Udpate: PHP7 Notice. = Version 2.6.2 | 31st December 2015 = * NEW FEATURE: Fullwidth Slider option. * Update: Woocommerce for Dolphin * Update: CSS. = Version 2.6.1 | 10th December 2015 = * Update: Woocommerce hooks for better extension support. * Removed: Some woocommerce template files to limit update issues. * Update: Comment Output. = Version 2.6.0 | 10th November 2015 = * Update: Clean up WordPress Title. = Version 2.5.9 | 9th November 2015 = * Update: CSS for mobile nav. * Update: Woocommerce file. = Version 2.5.8 | 31st October 2015 = * Update: Woocommerce templates. * Update: Head wp-title call. * Update: Structure Code. * Update: Few CSS fixes. * Update: Redux. = Version 2.5.7 | 2nd October 2015 = * Update: Structure Code. * Update: options. * Update: header/footer to remove annoying "error" from plugins. * Update: Woo Message Output * Update: Portfolio Type options. = Version 2.5.6 | 8th September 2015 = * Bug Fix: woocommerce rating. = Version 2.5.5 | 7th September 2015 = * Update: Small CSS change. * Update: Small JS varitions change. * Fix: Small text doamin fix. = Version 2.5.4 | 14th August 2015 = * Bug Fix: woocommerce Ajax = Version 2.5.3 | 13th August 2015 = * Remove: un-needed files * Fix: Small text doamin fix. = Version 2.5.2 | 10th August 2015 = * Update: WP_Widget to __construct. * Update: Woocommerce templates. = Version 2.5.1 | 29th July 2015 = * Fix: undefined variable notice. = Version 2.5.0 | 29th July 2015 = * Add: Customizer options. * Fix: Odd gif error on some servers. * Fix: Home page visibilty options. * Remove: Save Defaults. = Version 2.4.9 | 6th June 2015 = * Update: rel-link function to look for wp image class. * Update: Various CSS styles. = Version 2.4.8 | 26nd May 2015 = * Update: TGM. * Update: Image edit script. * Update: CSS fixes. = Version 2.4.7 | 22nd April 2015 = * Add: Mobile Submenu Collapse Option. * Update: Woocommerce Template. * Update: Output WooCommerce messages on all pages. = Version 2.4.6 | 13th April 2015 = * Add: Page Title Filter. * Update: Show color options in customizer. * Update: Theme options. * Fix: YouTube link in author box. = Version 2.4.5 | 4th April 2015 = * Update: Script version number. = Version 2.4.4 | 4th April 2015 = * Add: Accessibility skip to content link. * Update: Theme Options (Faster) * Update: Schema. * Fix: Woocommerce tracking. * Fix: WPML portfolio navigation. * Fix: Secondary Nav Background. = Version 2.4.3 | 17th March 2015 = * Remove: "to the top" title tag. * Fix: Validator alerts with mobile menu. * Fix: Retina Logo for desktops. * Add: Related posts Master setting. * Add: Author Box Master Setting. * Add: Theme Lightbox off switch. = Version 2.4.2 = * Add: Youtube option for author box. * Add: category crop option. * Add: Better Carousel Animate in. * Fix: Menu widget * Update: Language files. * Update: Better Disqus Support = Version 2.4.1 = * Fix: IE9 Issue. * Fix: lightbox issue with products. = Version: 2.4.0 = * Remove: Two woocommerce template files. * Update: Css tweeks for woocommerce 2.3. = Version: 2.3.9 = * Add: masonry call to main.js * Updated for woocommerce 2.3. * Remove: Woocommerce shipping cart template, no longer needed. * Add: quantity input buttons back. (woocomerce removed in 2.3). * Fix for mobile orientation issue. * Fix add icon issue. = Version: 2.3.8 = * Add: better security for custom css box. * Fix: strange audio player conflict with mobile menu. = Version: 2.3.7 = * added text domain to style.css file. * added unmified scripts. * added get_footer action hook. = Version: 2.3.6 = * Bug fix for recent carousel, portfolio post. * Buf fix mobile changes at 992 not 993px = Version: 2.3.5 = * Add home page template. * Remove gallery metabox (moved to virtue plugin). * Remove contact page template (moved to virtue plugin). * Add esc to all varibles. * Fix tagline showing when empty. * Update various css styles. = Version: 2.3.3 = * Fix issue with live preview. * Small CSS changes. * Fix mobile slider issue. = Version: 2.3.2 = * Firefox Grid Styles. * Fix issue with live preview. * Option for comments on pages * Woo Tab Styles. * Woocommerce 3 prep. * Remove mobile php function. = Version: 2.3.1 = * Customizer Fix. * Topbar widget area fix. * Author box fix. * Add comment link in full post view. * Moving page title and content back to home layout default, created to much confusion. * update Language files = Version: 2.3.0 = * prefix updates. = Version: 2.2.9 = * Css fix for shop, cart. * Updated for woo support * Read more for full posts. = Version: 2.2.8 = * scripts update * Add esc_url = Version: 2.2.7 = * add greek po and mo = Version: 2.2.6 = * Fix fn class * add customizer options. * Remove basic site name shortcodes. * Remove gallery override (now in plugin). * Add default feature image option. * Clean up default view. = Version: 2.2.5 = * Theme options Update * Add Math question to contact form * Update language files * Remove old update path for versions pre 1.5.6 (speed up theme options). = Version: 2.2.4 = * Update for Woocommerce 2.2 * Fix for image title tag * Fix for IE9 Images * Randomize Similar posts * Small undefined variable fix. * Update comment form for better filters use. = Version: 2.2.3 = * Update Screenshot. * Fix favicon issue. * Remove links from mock icon menu. * Remove old browser warning. = Version: 2.2.2 = * Add fixed phone to vcard widget. * Fix image hover issue in chrome. * Add Ukrainian language. * Add string translation option for icon menu, home slider. * Small fix with home page title. * Fix woocommerce template. = Version: 2.2.1 = * Add string to pot file. * Add sweedish .po file * Update Image Widget * Add menu id class * Fix Stylesheet issue * Fix small issue with tgmpa * Fix small issue with user profiles = Version: 2.2.0 = * Fix small issue slides not deleting. * Fix skins not showing. = Version: 2.1.9 = * Update Options panel, huge speed improvement! * Add my account sidebar with image. * Add Danish Translation * Small php notice fix for products without a category. * Small fix for users using disqus = Version: 2.1.8 = * Update Turkish Translation * Update support for MQtranslate * Fix small gettext issue. * Fix small issue with recent posts carousel. * Fix small CSS issue. = Version: 2.1.7 = * Update print styles * Update woocommerce template * Add class for your cart "dash" * Fix for categories * Small CSS fixes = Version: 2.1.6 = * Fix Theme Options Script URL = Version: 2.1.5 = * Fix Theme Options Script URL * Fix Header Layout 50% = Version: 2.1.4 = * Update Theme options * Fix footer column issue on Ipad * Add default option for default post header * Add auto play option to portfolio slider * Update languages = Version: 2.1.3 = * Use Masonry from wordpress core. * Use wordpress paginate_links * Add KV to virtue widget * Added option for single post navigation. * Fix Firefox Caroufedsel Issue. * Fix Z-index added Cart issue. * Fix various other css issues. * Fix widget id issue in primary sidebar. * Switch Pull-quote icon to retina icon. = Version: 2.1.2 = * Update woocommerce file. = Version: 2.1.1 = * Added Support for wp-retina plugin. * Enable Category Descriptions. * Fix issue with sku. * hfeed issue * Fixed bug with Metaboxes and wordpress 3.9 = Version: 2.1.0 = * Add target option for topbar icons and home page icons. * Add target option for slides. * Bug Fix Firefox search text. * Bug fix for product filter issue in dashboard. = Version: 2.0.9 = * Chrome Bug fix for icons * Fix in archive.php * Fix for french language. * Add German language file = Version: 2.0.8 = * Update Google fonts * Fix for php 5.2 * Update woocommerce file. * Add more space with custom css box in theme options = Version: 2.0.7 = * Small Fix = Version: 2.0.6 = * Small css fix for author image * Update woocommerce template files * Qtranslate issue * Update google fonts to work on more server configurations * Fix for carousel on android = Version: 2.0.5 = * Add back ajax cart * Qtranslate issue * Add pt language file (almost empty) * Topbar Menu z-index update. * Make last menu item move left = Version: 2.0.4 = * Fix my account issues with woocommerce 2.1 * Remove some woocommere template files. = Version: 2.0.3 = * Last updates for woocommerce 2.1 * Added Carousel Slider to Portfolio Posts and Home Page = Version: 2.0.2 = * Fix Minor Portfolio Grid issue * Pre review request updated custom.php * Update woocommerce files for 2.1 * Fix portfolio carousel = Version: 2.0.1 = * Woocommerce 2.1 support updates * Fix Touch click on android. * Add tumblr icon to social widget * Updated Languages * Add wpml config file = Version: 2.0.0 = * Fix Portfolio type template. * Update Theme Options. * Remove bootstrap 2 css replace with bootstrap 3 css. * Update all template files for bootstrap classes. * Updated all theme css for bootstrap 3. * Update WP Gallery. * Update Woocommerce in prep for 2.1 * Update contact page. * Update bootstrap js. = Version: = * Very Very small fix with portfolio carousel. = Version: = * Move virtuetoolkit to repository. * Remove edd_license * Remove typo * Add font fix. = Version: = * Fix theme options errors. * Add ru_RU translation. = Version: 1.9.9 = * Remove Ace Editor * Add it_IT translation. = Version: 1.9.8 = * Move text domain to the top of functions * Fix cart icon not showing = Version: 1.9.7 = * Always notice things right after you update. * Fix comments. = Version: 1.9.5 = * Update Theme Options, Various Speed improvments * Add Logo Alt * Fix css for forms, and checkout * Add support for icons in top menu * Add lightbox option to portfolio grid * Add full post option to archive.php * Fix product image size issue * Update portfolio post icon * Allow for jetpack comments * Add defaults for home page = Version: 1.8.5 = * Fix Latest Post Slider * Add Ajax cart * Fix Portfolio Img Alt * Add Portfolio Comments * Fix Portfolio Carousel with Sidebar = Version: 1.8.4 = * Updated Screenshot for wordpress 3.8 * Updated tag for wordpress 3.8 = Version: 1.8.3 = * Add options to order portfolio items on the home page. * Add options to order portfolio items on the portfolio gird page. * Update google fonts * Add video size option = Version: 1.8.2 = * Fix issue with video * Fix issue with custom css * Fix issue with contact forum * Remove the activation script to transfer options. = Version: 1.8.0 = * Add import old options support * Fix issue with mobile slider * Fix issue with portfolio type not working on home layout * Add option for more portfolio items in carousel * Add default setting for metaboxes = Version: 1.7.8 = * Add text domain for "by" * Fix for Subversion * Fix theme options server error * Fix issue with gallery not working * Fix issue with rating showing on * Fix Issue with themeoptions freezing = Version: 1.7.7 = * Fixed Issue with frontpage.php * Removed tracking file and System Info file * Removed Google Font Check = Version: 1.7.6 = * Fixed Issue with home page blog categories * Fixed Issue with the home page portfolio categories. = Version: 1.7.5 = * Updated Skins CSS * New Theme Options panel * Update Old Theme Options on activation * New Theme Options for products * Fix Masonry issue with products * Remove Retina.js from theme * Add description to icon menu * Add latest post slider option * Add option to change layout for topbar = Version: 1.5.6 = * Added opt in for retina.js * Updated Mobile slider * Updated language issue for topbar widget * Updated AquaResizer * Updated styling with theme options * Add Category Page Subtitle * Add to options: turning off Virtue Gallery * Update Menu CSS * Update Feature Template with lightbox options * Update flexslider, carousel css for IE 8 * Added Masonry.js * Updated products to use masonry.js * Changed Lightbox to Magnific Popup, droped prettyPhoto. * Added footer column css class = Version: 1.5.5 = * Change how custom css gets called * Updated portfolio grid issue * Change styling with theme options * Add js override to make varations in woocommerce work * Add styling to prettyPhoto * Fix icon menu issue * Updated Social Widget * Update language for translation * Fix issue with footer translation * Fix issue with icons disappearing in theme options when translated * Changes class for products = Version: 1.5.4 = * Updated Links in Theme Options * Changed Theme Lightbox to prettyPhoto * Change gMap to GMAP3 Plugin for JQuery = Version: 1.5.3 = * Updated Menu Walker * Added portfolio Tax update * Fixed issue with admin icons disapearing when theme is translated. * Updated Screen shot = Version: 1.5.2 = * Added option for full blog on home page * Added new Mobile Menu * Added mobile menu background options * Updated how google fonts called for https * Updated how google maps api called for https * Option to Hide Post Author = Version: 1.5.1 = * Added Support for showing subcategories in Woocommerce. * Fixed Issue with title color not working correctly. * Fixed Issue with home blog tooltip = Version: 1.5.0 = * Fixed Issue with topbar icon links not working * Fixed Issue with subtitle box being too large * Fixed Issue with Site Tagline Syling * Changed how categories show on Home page posts * Update Skins * Fixed Issue with Product variations on sale * Add Portfolio image size options * Add gallery metabox * Add third Layout for Portfolio * Added fullwidth blog posts * Added fullwidth blog pages * Added Wordpress Gallery sizes 5, 6 and 7 = Version: 1.4.2 = * Updated CSS * Add Tagline font options * Add Gray font options = Version: 1.4.1 = * Added max width and hieght to sliders = Version: 1.4.0 = * Updated CSS = Version: 1.3.9 = * Updated CSS to better deal with feature image page = Version: 1.3.8 = * Updated CSS * Added Child Theme Ablilty * Added Comments Closed Option * Added Topbar options, and widget * Add dropdown ablitly in top menu = Version: 1.3.5 = * Updated CSS * Removed a series of things from cleanup.php * Fixed Issue with topbar * Fixed Issue with small Images * Added Logo Layout Options * Added topbar background options * Add banner option * Added increase in latest posts on home page * Updated language per request * Updated portfolio next to follow menu order = Version: 1.3.0 = * Changed how jQuery called in font end. * Removed a series of things from cleanup.php * Added RootsTheme to Credits = Version: 1.2.8 = * Updated Citris Skin to match theme preview * Updated Fullwith.php = Version: 1.2.7 = * Updated some issues with FontAwesome throughout theme = Version: 1.2.6 = * Changed Icon Font to FontAwesome * Updated Theme URL = Version: 1.2.5 = * Moved Post Shortcodes to Virtue ToolKit Plugin * Removed RSS links in Head.php * Moved <?php get_template_part('templates/css'); ?> below head tag * Removed jQuery from Theme * Fixed Admin Options Issue with sorting order * Added Footer Font Color to Admin Options * Fixed minor spelling error * Fixed issue with portfolio page only showing all types * Fixed issue with contact page map * Changed date-format in blog carousel and recent post widget to user specific = Version: 1.2.2 = * Moved Portfolio Post to Plugin * Updated Menu to allow 8 steps * Fixed Various errors * Removed all SEO options from Theme = Version: 1.2.1 = * Fixed all undefined index notices * Updated Flex Slider and added Mock Slider on activation * Updated screenshot.png = Version: 1.2.0 = * Updated admin-options (fixed various errors, optimized code) * Fixed Logo on Retina Screens (added retina.js file) * Updated nav.php with improvements to Mobile Menu walker. * Merged Bootstap and Bootstrap Responsive * Updated Comments.php file (fixed for various errors) = Version: 1.1.1 = * Update css skins = Version: 1.1.0 = * Move searchform.php for WP 3.6 * Update Slider issue when images too small = Version: 1.0.0 = * Initial Version == Resources == * Photos on example_slider by Benjamin Ritner (licensed under GNU General Public License v2.0 or later) * Photos on in the screenshot (licensed under Public Domain) http://publicdomainarchive.com/category/modern/ * FontAwesome by Dave Gandy (http://fontawesome.io) licensed under the SIL OFL 1.1 (http://scripts.sil.org/OFL) * FlexSlider by WooThemes under the GPLv2 license (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html) * Star Font, icons image folder and Woocommerce Templates by Woothemes for Woocommerce (licensed under GNU General Public License v2.0 or later) * Theme aspects derived from RootsTheme (http://www.rootstheme.com/) licensed under MIT license, http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * Redux Options Framework (http://reduxframework.com/) licensed under GNU General Public License v3.0 * Google Fonts (available through Google web Fonts: http://www.google.com/fonts/), licensed under Apache License Version 2 * Aqua Resizer (https://github.com/syamilmj/Aqua-Resizer), licensed under WTFPL http://www.wtfpl.net/ * Twitter Bootstrap (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap), licensed under Apache License Version 2 * Custom Metaboxes and Fields for Wordpress (https://github.com/jaredatch/Custom-Metaboxes-and-Fields-for-WordPress), licensed under GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Magnific Popup (http://dimsemenov.com/plugins/magnific-popup/) licensed under MIT license, http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * carouFredSel (https://github.com/gilbitron/carouFredSel), licensed under GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Select2 (http://ivaynberg.github.io/select2/), licensed under GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * hoverIntent (https://github.com/briancherne/jquery-hoverIntent), licensed under MIT license, http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * Superfish (https://github.com/joeldbirch/superfish) Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php, http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * Fitvids (https://github.com/davatron5000/FitVids.js/blob/master/jquery.fitvids.js), Released under the WTFPL license - http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/ * touchSwipe, (https://github.com/mattbryson/TouchSwipe-Jquery-Plugin), Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses * jquery.customSelect (http://adam.co/lab/jquery/customselect/), Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses * GMAP3 Plugin for JQuery (http://gmap3.net/), licensed under GNU General Public License v3.0 * jQuery Scroll to Top Control script (http://www.dynamicdrive.com/) Custom license: http://www.dynamicdrive.com/notice.htm * Masonry (http://masonry.desandro.com/) licensed under MIT license, http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * TGM Plugin Activation library (https://github.com/thomasgriffin/TGM-Plugin-Activation) licensed under GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * jQuery Validation ( http://bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-validation/), Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses