=== Team WD - a responsive team/staff showcase plugin === Contributors: webdorado Donate link: https://web-dorado.com/products/wordpress-team-wd.html Tags: team, team members, meet the team, members profiles, our team, team plugin wordpress, team member wordpress plugin, employees, faculty, staff, staff directory, staff members Requires at least: 3.4 Tested up to: 4.8 Stable tag: 1.0.14 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Team WD is a team/staff showcase plugin allows you to display the members of your staff with clean and simple layout. == Description == You can easily list your employees or team members, create staff directory and allow your site visitors to get in touch with them directly. Customize your team staff profiles by adding images, biographical information, social media accounts/emails, availability hours and much more. Add categories and subcategories to make the staff page simple and organized. Change the order the members appear on the page by intuitive drag & drop method. [WordPress Team WD](https://web-dorado.com/products/wordpress-team-wd.html) [Demo](http://wpdemo.web-dorado.com/team-wd/) [User Guide](https://web-dorado.com/wordpress-team-wd/installing.html) Team WD allows the visitors to search the staff members by name and categories. Clicking “More” on specific staff member leads the visitor to the profile page of that member, where more details and a contact form are displayed. The fields of the contact form are customizable. **IMPORTANT: If you think you found a bug in Team WD or have any problem or question concerning Team WD plugin, do not hesitate to contact us at [info@web-dorado.com](mailto:info@web-dorado.com)**. Features of Team WD: * Responsive layout * Team listing Full view and Single contact view * Different sets of parameters for each category * Front-end searching/browsing * Contact forms to get in touch with team members directly * Team ordering * Language Options for translating the plugin into other languages Upgrade to [WordPress Team WD Pro version](https://web-dorado.com/products/wordpress-team-wd.html) to get access to: * Styles and Colors section to customize the color scheme and overall appearance of the contacts * 7 more views with exclusive design (Short , Chess, Portfolio, Blog, Circle, Square, Table) == Frequently Asked Questions == = 1. What are the main usage cases of the plugin? = This wordpress team plugin is ideal for creating about us section of the company website, for displaying your staff portfolio, profile, as well as for internal usage such as member directory, team manager or staff manager set up webpages. Plus you can use it for displaying testimonials of your client base in honeycomb display, expert list suggestion or any other stacked list. = 2. Can I use different styling for different pages for out staff team showcase? = This responsive team plugin comes with various styling options, e.g. you can have staff team display in Short view and have member grid for another page display. = 3. Is it possible to use this team free plugin for showcasing our university faculty? = Yes, you can do so. Note that you can do so using staff grid option or use team carousel display. To separate the administrative employees, you can use a separate team page. = 4. What effects are available with exclusive design? = With exclusive design you will be able to get modern team member wp hover item display with different colors and styling options. The employee list or staff list can be displayed in Short (only member staff titles display), Chess (employee title, name display with team profile sharing options on social media), Portfolio (displays staff members profiles image), Blog (grid team display with team members profile short summary display and team member image), Circle, Square (similar to short view with direct member staff messaging option ) and Table to display team member listing in a table view. = 5. Do I necessary name the page created by wordpres team plugin "Team"? = No, actually you can decide the title for this plugin some suggestions for you are meet the team, our team, my team, meat the staff, meet the expert team or any other custom team management solution chosen by you. = 6. Is this team builder plugin responsive? = Yes, this is a fully responsive team manager plugin. = 7. Can I use this team member wordpress plugin as a widget or team slider? = This wordpress team manager plugin comes only with a shortcode with its views, so you cannot create team management widgets or use it as a team slider / team member carousel. = 8. Can we use Team Staff plugin as a v-card team member showcase? = Out team wordpress plugin is perfect solution for v-cards and online business cards showcase, plus you will also get a chance to display the team members one by one inserting separate employee shortcodes for different pages. == Installation == ### Minimum requirements. * Wordpress 3.9+ * PHP 5.x * MySQL 5.x ### Perform a new installation After downloading the ZIP file of the plugin, 1. Log in to the administrator panel. 2. Go to Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin. 3. Click "Choose file" ("Browse") and select the downloaded zip file of the plugin. 4. Click "Install Now" button. 5. Click "Activate Plugin" button for activating WD Facebook Feed. A success message should appear and the plugin will be automatically added to the Plugins page and activated. If you're having trouble installing the plugin, please contact us at support@web-dorado.com. == Screenshots == 1. [Team WD](http://wordpress.org/plugins/staff-team/) - Circle View 2. [Team WD](http://wordpress.org/plugins/staff-team/) - Short View 3. [Team WD](http://wordpress.org/plugins/staff-team/) - Chess View 4. [Team WD](http://wordpress.org/plugins/staff-team/) - Square View 5. Single team member view 6. Adding a staff member 7. Adding a staff category 8. [Team WD](http://wordpress.org/plugins/staff-team/) Message Options 9. [Team WD](http://wordpress.org/plugins/staff-team/) Global Options 10. [Team WD](http://wordpress.org/plugins/staff-team/) Styles and Colors == Changelog == = 1.0.14 = * Fixed: Bug on network activate (Multisite WordPress) = 1.0.13 = * Changed: Style changes in back end (add/delete params in single page and category page) * Fixed: Bug on Themes = 1.0.12 = * Fixed: Bug on Uninstalling the plugin * Changed: Minor style changes in back end = 1.0.11 = * Added: Overview page * Removed: Featured Plugins, Featured Themes page = 1.0.10 = * Fixed: Bug on SCMessClass * Changed: Reset button style * Fixed: Some style conflicts * Added: New Featured Plugins = 1.0.9 = * Added: Option to use Custom URL instead of the standard profile page of a staff member * Added: Version to css and js files = 1.0.8 = * Added: New featured plugins: Ecommerce WD, Mailchimp WD = 1.0.6 = * Fixed: Bug on upgrading from free to pro = 1.0.5 = * Added: Custom CSS option * Fixed: Bug on database prefix * Fixed: Some style issues = 1.0.4 = * Fixed: Bug on categories display * Fixed: Bug on Team Ordering = 1.0.3 = * Added: A new option "Slug" in Global options to customize permalinks of single-contact pages * Fixed: Bug on Language options = 1.0.2 = * Fixed: Bug on placing two shortcodes with the same view on the same page = 1.0.1 = * Preserve breaks and text formatting on descriptions = 1.0.0 = * Initial version